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This service is provided for prospective purchasers and vendors of property assets. It includes undertaking inspections of and preparing reports on the form of construction and the condition of the internal and external structure and fabric of properties. The reports include cost estimates for any significant remedial works identified as being required. 

Clients will often require this service to include similar inspections of and reports on the mechanical, electrical, public health and vertical transportation services installations within properties. They may also require reports on the potential for the contamination of the land (known as environmental [Phase 1] reviews) and, if none already exist, preparation of Energy Performance Certificates. Dacre is able to arrange for all of these additional components by instructing tried and trusted sub-consultants. The benefit to clients is that they retain a single point of contact – Dacre – and we instruct, manage and coordinate the work of all sub-consultants on the client’s behalf. 

Increasingly, this service is required not just by prospective purchasers but also vendors. The preparation of “vendor’s packs”, (usually placed in a secure on-line data room) including technical and legal due diligence reports and all other relevant information relating to properties to be sold can significantly assist and speed-up the transaction process. The duty of care owed by the consultants to the instructing client can be assigned to the eventual purchaser. 

This service is not restricted to investors in property assets. It is of equal benefit to prospective owner/occupiers and tenants.

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