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Enabling property owners to be fully appraised of the condition of their properties and subsequently to plan and budget maintenance work and expenditure over time. The base information forms an important part of property asset registers. The maintenance plans themselves enable property managers to efficiently and effectively protect the condition and value of the assets. 

The service normally commences with a comprehensive condition survey of the property(s) to establish the full condition on ‘day 1’. This condition register also identifies the form of construction and materials for all components of the structure and fabric and, if required, the building services installations. 

From the initial condition survey data (the schedule of condition), the necessary replacement, repair and maintenance works are scheduled using the following categorisations: 

  • Items requiring immediate attention 

  • Items that can be deferred in the short to medium-term 

  • Items of routine maintenance that should be undertaken on a periodic/cyclical basis. 

Finally, a planned and preventative maintenance schedule is prepared in a user-friendly spreadsheet format. This identifies all components, the day 1 condition, the works (if any) required and the frequency/timing of actions. Estimated costs for all works/actions are provided. Typically, the schedule will cover a 10 – 15 year period. 

Armed with the schedule, property managers are able to plan and budget maintenance expenditure on year-to-year basis and have options to defer or bring forward items in order to smooth expenditure and cash flow. 

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