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Managing, coordinating and administering the successful delivery of a construction project from inception to final completion. This service can be provided to lay clients as well as experienced property industry practitioners. At Dacre, we believe that you need to possess a long and wide experience of the property and construction industry in order to provide this service effectively and efficiently. Business and team management skills are also a pre-requisite. 

The precise functions included in this service will naturally vary according to the nature of the project and the degree of executive control that the client wishes to retain. Typically, however, the service will normally include the following key components: 

  • Defining the client’s requirements and objectives 

  • Agreeing quality, cost and time parameters 

  • Preparing a project plan 

  • Selecting the most suitable method of procurement 

  • Selecting and instructing a consultant team on behalf of the client 

  • Coordinating the project design processes 

  • Coordinating the production of cost plans and programmes 

  • Overseeing the selection and appointment of a contractor 

  • Overseeing the performance of the project team during construction 

  • Making appropriate decisions on behalf of the client to ensure that the project meets and remains within the quality, cost and time parameters set 

  • Accepting the completed project on behalf of the client 

  • Ensuring that the client receives all necessary as-built information, statutory approvals, and maintenance manuals.

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